World of warships beta
World of warships beta

world of warships beta

Probably the most important thing for the developers to get right is the water and how it interacts with the ships, which they succeeded in more so than pretty much any naval game out there, free or not.Ī cornerstone of ‘World of’ games is the ability to upgrade modules and make use of different ammo. The game even manages to look great on some of the lower settings, too.

world of warships beta

You definitely won’t be disappointed with the quality, and you’ll be happy to know that the game runs well on both high and ultra settings if you have a half-decent computer. You’ll notice that the 3D modelers paid attention to a lot of “little things” which makes every ship unique and a decent mirror of their real-life counterparts. Battleships are great if you like to sit back and unleash huge salvos of cannon fire on your enemies.ĭon't mind the damage, just a small fire. Or if you prefer fast movement and maneuverability, you can invest into cruisers. If you prefer the more supportive roles, for example, you could check into air carriers.

world of warships beta world of warships beta

You might think that you would be stuck with “biggest guns are best” but you’ve got much more choice than that. The most impressive thing about World of Warships is the wide variety of ships. I was lucky enough to receive closed beta access to give my impressions of the game. This latest game features the ships of war used in and around the World War II era from various countries, including Japan, U.S.S.R, UK, and America. World of Warships is sure to be another fantastic addition to their growing library of popular games. Since World of Tanks, and World of Warplanes, Wargaming has proven that they know how to make a good game with the world war era theme. World of Warships is, as you probably know, Wargaming’s latest addition to their “World of” series of games.

World of warships beta